graco snugride click connect 35
4 years ago
Albert Einstein is credited with saying that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. For years now, Republicans and Democrats have been leading the country in the same basic direction: toward bigger and bigger government; more and more socialism, globalism, corporatism, and foreign interventionism; and the dismantling of constitutional liberties. Yet, voters continue to think that they are voting for "change" when they vote for a Republican or Democrat. This is truly insane!
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Philip said...
I'm not voting for any changes. I'm voting against Obama's changes (abortion expanded, wealth-spreading tax increases, small businesses forced to fire employees, universal bad-for-everyone health care, no-more-Rush "fairness" on the radio, no-preaching-the-Bible "hate crimes" legislation, liberal judges for a generation, more power for the teachers' unions, more power for 72-votes-from-a-homeless-guy ACORN, and an open door/welcome mat for terrorists).
October 20, 2008 at 6:56 PM
Gail said...
that's funny, you not voting for change. I vote what i believe is right regardless of anything else.
However using your logic if not voting for obama accomplishes what you said then I am doing the same thing as you. Just my purpose is to vote what I think is right,if it so happens that deters wrong more power to it. Yours is to vote against what is wrong, which in turn could mean you still vote for wrong. my 2cents we have had this conversation before, but a little disagreement is good. :)
October 20, 2008 at 7:19 PM
Philip said...
Yeah, I'm just sayin' . . .
October 21, 2008 at 10:47 AM