I just finished the book Raising a Modern Day Knight. (I got it for $5 including shipping) It’s a book for fathers about raising sons. It was good I’d give it a B overall. I like Reb Bradley’s book better.
Anyway the premise of the book is how fathers can truly teach their sons to be men. The main idea is a Man needs to reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead courageously, and expect the greater reward (Joy).
I am blessed to say my dad like almost all of my friend’s dads did these things..
The author of this book Robert Lewis did not have that blessing. After reading this book it helped remind me how GREAT a blessing having a Godly father truly is for a son.
To put it in perspective let me paraphrase some of the stories about the author’s dad:
- Robert had numerous division 1 football scholarship offers from big time schools he ended up going to Arkansas. His dad did not help him whatsoever in the process of choosing what school to attend. The only thing his dad told him was “it’s your decision”.
- The guys dad missed his own sons wedding, he had a good reason he was too drunk at home!
- One Night long after all the kids had moved out, Robert’s dad was drunk and wanted to go out for more drinks his mom tried to stop him from leaving to go drinking, he pushed his wife away as he was walking out the door. Unaware he had made her hit her head on the coffee table and broke her neck! Dad stayed out drinking all night went straight to work the next day and got the news, he had a heart attack on the spot. While in the hospital his son came to visit, dad was so out of it he thought his son was the DR and started telling him how many mistakes he made in his life, and how proud he was of his son that was a pastor and how he loved him. This was the first time Robert had EVER heard these things from his dad! After his dad realized who was standing in front of him Robert witnessed to his dad for over an hour, by the grace of God his dad was saved.
- The night of the accident Robert was at the church He pastored. There meeting was about prayer, the question was asked what is the one thing you want to trust God to do that you think is absolutely impossible?
you already know what Robert prayed for…
My point of all of this is no matter what trials and tribulations you may be going through God is in control. It’s hard to accept some times.
1 Samuel 2:
9 He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail. 10 The adversaries of the LORD shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall he thunder upon them: the LORD shall judge the ends of the earth; and he shall give strength unto his king, and exalt the horn of his anointed.
If we are able to participate in raising Godly children it will bring great joy to us. So far I can totally attest to this. Even though Nolan and Nathaniel are so young. I pray that 20 years from now this will still hold true…
Proverbs 23:24 The father of the righteous shall greatly rejoice: and he that begetteth a wise child shall have joy of him.
Labels: Bible, family, father, raising a modern day knight
Excellent Article!
"That Barack Obama trounced John McCain last Tuesday should have surprised no one. In fact, in this column, weeks ago, I stated emphatically that John McCain could no more beat Barack Obama than Bob Dole could beat Bill Clinton. He didn't. (Hence a vote for John McCain was a "wasted" vote, was it not?) I also predicted that Obama would win with an electoral landslide. He did. The real story, however, is not how Barack Obama defeated John McCain. The real story is how John McCain defeated America's conservatives. "
Again, it wasn't Barack Obama who destroyed conservatism; it was George W. Bush, John McCain, and the millions of evangelical Christians who supported them. And until conservatives find their backbone and their convictions, they deserve to remain a burnt-out, has-been political force. They have no one to blame but themselves.
"And since it is unlikely that the Republican Party has enough sense to understand any of this and will, therefore, do little to reestablish genuine conservative principles, it is probably best to just go ahead and bury the scoundrels now and move on to something else. Without a sincere commitment to constitutional government, the GOP has no justifiable reason to ever govern again. Therefore, put a fork in them. They are done. Let a new entity arise from the ashes: one that will stand for something more than just "the lesser of two evils." As we say in the South, That dog just won't hunt anymore." Read Full Article Here
This article says it all as far as I am concerned!
"I suppose that the main reason Christians think that McCain is less of an evil than Obama is the abortion issue. There is no question that Obama’s views on abortion are reprehensible. But then he doesn’t claim to be pro-life like McCain does. If McCain is so pro-life then why did he vote to confirm to the U.S. Supreme Court pro-abortion justices like Stephen Breyer, Ruth Ginsburg, and David Souter? Why did he consider the pro-abortion senator Joe Lieberman for his vice presidential running mate? Why does he think it is okay to kill babies who had the misfortune to be conceived via rape or incest? Why has he voted for Health and Human Services Title X funding for Planned Parenthood?"
"As bad as Obama is, it doesn’t change the fact that the Republicans deserved to lose. But because the Democrats didn’t deserve to win, some Christians thought they faced a dilemma and, after assuming the position outlined above, voted for McCain.
But there was no dilemma. There were other choices on the ballot – like Chuck Baldwin, a conservative Christian who is miles ahead of McCain when it comes to being a real conservative. But it comes as no surprise that Baldwin was rejected since Ron Paul was likewise rejected in the Republican primaries."
This is a good article explaining both sides of the proposed auto industry bailout.
I am not for any kind of government bailout for any company. They put themselves in this position, for many reasons including WAYYY overpaid CEO's, inability to compete with foreign car companies and many other reasons. I am saying this as my grandfather (who is still living at 93) two of my uncles, my father-in-law (all which are retired) and many other people i know worked for GM or Ford.
I just don't think the government should bail out a company that created it's own mess.
As you can see the bank bailout has caused a domino effect, now the auto industry wants a bailout, then what all the Airlines want one, then what Toy companies? I mean hey if people lose jobs they can't buy kids toys so you may as well bail them out too right? I know the argument oh we will lose jobs, if they are in this bad a shape they may be destined to fail anyway. I say take a wait and see approach. The auto industry needs to figure this out for themselves, if that means they start over from scratch then so be it.
If we keep this up sooner or later the government will control everything which is what the new president elect seems to want!
"General Motors, in particular, seems to be in difficulty. The company is burning through cash so quickly that it might not be able to fund its operations past the end of the year. Ford is in trouble as well, though it said last week that it should be able to survive in the near term"
Labels: autoindustry, Bailout, Government
I recently exchanged emails with my old high school football coach mike gims.
One thing I can say about him is for all the coaches I had in all the sports I played from elementary on up is coach gims was a good christian testimony as a coach. I am not saying that all the other coaches had terrible testimonies, but Coach Gims exemplified it. He also stressed how we needed to keep christ first and that football will not matter in a few years.
I had been surprised to learn he was no longer coaching high school(he had been coaching for over 15 years) he had moved on to coach college. I thought cool. I played for coach gims for 3 years when I was a freshmen he was an assistant and then sophomore and junior year were his first two years as a head coach. He was always trying to be innovative sometimes it worked like our run and gun offense which was not common in High School those days. Then sometimes it didn't like running the lonesome polecat a few too many times :). He made his mark with the run and gun and improved upon it and I am pretty sure that is how he was able to move up the coaching ranks.
In his email, He shared with me that he was having his entire team of college players read the book raising a modern day knight. That's coach, always stressing the importance of keeping christ first! here he is trying to help men be fathers, and they don't even have kids yet! Oddly coach has 2 or 3 girls and no boys. The book is for fathers on how to raise their sons to be Godly men. It's also where I got the title for this blog. Knowing I have two sons of my own he suggested i pick up a copy. Finally last week I went ahead and ordered mine. I have read the first 3 or 4 chapters and I like it so far. It's an easy read, if i have the time I should knock this book out in no time.
Thanks for the tip coach, you never quit coaching do ya? If you are still coaching in 18 years i have two boys you should look at :)
Labels: book, family, football, gims, raising a modern day knight
Why I am Not a Socialist and you shouldn’t be either!
0 comments Posted by Gail at Friday, November 07, 2008 by Pastor Dan Ferrell www.msbc.com
Allow me to share ten reasons why I am NOT a Socialist.
1. Socialism disguises itself to level the economical playing field, but in reality, the middle and lower income brackets are penalized when the wealthy are overtaxed.
2. Socialism has proven historically that Communism is the goal. Because Socialism cannot achieve its tenets unless there exists an increase of totalitarian control from the Government.
3. Socialism preys on the sympathies of the wealthy convincing them that Egalitarianism is humanitarian and your civic duty. In actuality, voluntary charity through churches and non-profit agencies is a better way. Americans stopped giving after FDR’s New Deal was implemented in 1933. Legislating donations destroys the spirit of giving.
4. Socialism encourages class envy. The middle and lower income classes ought to be thankful for the wealthy because they spend their money, create jobs, and they help stabilize the economy. Envy and jealous suspicion are counterproductive.
5. Socialism destroys incentive and ambition. see the rest of the story hereCoin Toss Decides Goodridge, Minn. Mayor's Race
GOODRIDGE, Minn. (AP) ― A coin toss has determined the winner of the mayor's race in the tiny northwestern Minnesota town of Goodridge.
Incumbent Bob Homme and former Mayor Dave Brown each got 22 votes. Instead of finding the ballots and recounting the 44 votes, they agreed to decide the winner with a coin toss.
It already was a strange race in Goodridge -- population 98 -- with no one filing to run for mayor. Brown and Homme were both write-ins.
To break the tie, each tossed his own coin. If it was even, meaning two heads or two tails, Homme would win the two-year term. If it was odd, meaning a head and a tail, Brown would win.
It was a head and a tail. Brown won. see story hereIt's never going to end is it? What's next McDonald's? Kmart? what about me??? oh wait that would be socialism!!!
- General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler LLC, strapped for cash as sales plunge, are seeking $50 billion in federal loans to help them weather the worst auto market in 25 years, a person familiar with the matter said.
The package would be $25 billion for health-care spending and $25 billion for general liquidity that could be delivered in different ways, including short-term borrowing from the Federal Reserve, said the person, who asked not to be identified because the plan isn't public. In return, the companies would be willing to take steps such as granting stock warrants, the person said.
Obam's Win is the Big Deal! the Backstreet Boys, Nsync comment sums it all up!
All we can do is Pray!
Why are Americans so Stupid? Pastor Dan Ferrell www.MSBC.com
“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.” Romans 1:28
While in a Dry Cleaning store the owners, with Vietnamese nationality, began to quiz me about the up-coming Election. We shared views about the dangerous shift that America is taking to the left, and then the husband and wife, with a look of amazement asked, “Why are Americans so stupid!?” I was stunned for a moment … and then I admitted that this question has plagued me for years.
Now I would like to answer their question. It is because the Sovereign God of heaven has given many over to a reprobate mind. Allow me to explain.
1. This great country was built on Biblical principles and on Judeo-Christian ethics, yet the Government took away the schoolroom from the parents and churches; and allowed Dewey to replace all Biblical curriculum (.i.e. – McGuffy Readers).
2. The US Government then took prayer and the Ten Commandments away from the teachers and students with the help of the NEA.
3. The infamous Supreme Court then passed the Roe-versus-Wade decision and 3,000 babies are legally killed a day in our fifty states.
4. George Bush, Sr. sent Ambassadors to the Vatican in Rome establishing national diplomacy with a “harmless” church.
5. Liberal pandering to the gay agenda became increasingly grotesque as early as 1980, and now we see the sanctity of marriage threatened.
6. Christian symbols such as Ten Commandments in stone and nativity scenes are removed to satisfy the intense hated of Atheistic Liberals.
7. And in general, Biblical Christians are the only people that are mocked, ridiculed, and slandered in the Media and public forum without fear of reprisal.
Is it no wonder that we have Terrorist attacks, school massacres, a Sodomite Epidemic, high Divorce, highest teen suicide, unsecured borders, and the worse economic collapse since 1929??
Is it any wonder that millions of voters will vote symbolism over substance? Is it clear then that this country is rotting from within from a spiritual rebellion against God!?
God will not apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah, and once a nation is given over to a lawless reprobate mind, the only cure is wide spread repentance.
The sure cure for such insanity is the saving gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. If America will not repent then there is no hope.
“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” Psalm 9:17
Ignorance is very expensive, and America is about to pay a dear price!
GT says vote principals for once not party lines!
"Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost." -- John Quincy Adams
Vote Chuck Baldwin www.Baldwin08.com