Why are Americans so Stupid? Pastor Dan Ferrell www.MSBC.com

“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.” Romans 1:28

While in a Dry Cleaning store the owners, with Vietnamese nationality, began to quiz me about the up-coming Election. We shared views about the dangerous shift that America is taking to the left, and then the husband and wife, with a look of amazement asked, “Why are Americans so stupid!?” I was stunned for a moment … and then I admitted that this question has plagued me for years.

Now I would like to answer their question. It is because the Sovereign God of heaven has given many over to a reprobate mind. Allow me to explain.

1. This great country was built on Biblical principles and on Judeo-Christian ethics, yet the Government took away the schoolroom from the parents and churches; and allowed Dewey to replace all Biblical curriculum (.i.e. – McGuffy Readers).

2. The US Government then took prayer and the Ten Commandments away from the teachers and students with the help of the NEA.

3. The infamous Supreme Court then passed the Roe-versus-Wade decision and 3,000 babies are legally killed a day in our fifty states.

4. George Bush, Sr. sent Ambassadors to the Vatican in Rome establishing national diplomacy with a “harmless” church.

5. Liberal pandering to the gay agenda became increasingly grotesque as early as 1980, and now we see the sanctity of marriage threatened.

6. Christian symbols such as Ten Commandments in stone and nativity scenes are removed to satisfy the intense hated of Atheistic Liberals.
7. And in general, Biblical Christians are the only people that are mocked, ridiculed, and slandered in the Media and public forum without fear of reprisal.

Is it no wonder that we have Terrorist attacks, school massacres, a Sodomite Epidemic, high Divorce, highest teen suicide, unsecured borders, and the worse economic collapse since 1929??

Is it any wonder that millions of voters will vote symbolism over substance? Is it clear then that this country is rotting from within from a spiritual rebellion against God!?

God will not apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah, and once a nation is given over to a lawless reprobate mind, the only cure is wide spread repentance.

The sure cure for such insanity is the saving gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. If America will not repent then there is no hope.

“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” Psalm 9:17

Ignorance is very expensive, and America is about to pay a dear price!


GT says vote principals for once not party lines!
"Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost." -- John Quincy Adams
Vote Chuck Baldwin www.Baldwin08.com


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