Someone ( suggested i start a blog i tried this before(, even developed the site myselft, but then my wife started one and I gave up.
Lately i got a facebook account and figured this was the next step. Not sure how much i'll post here time will tell.
I plan on posting on lots of thing Bible Doctrine,Politics,Sports,Family and of course as the title says My little knights.


Way to go, Gail! I totally disagree with your choice of candidate, but I'm a huge fan of blogging. I'm sure we'll agree more after Obama takes his oath in January!

October 8, 2008 at 1:49 PM  

You disagree with the candidate I am voting for, or the fact that I am voting for a Candidate that without a divine miracle has no shot of winning??
I'd be shocked if you disagree with Baldwins views points since you like fred thompson and his constitutional views

October 8, 2008 at 1:58 PM  

yeah we'll agree both obama and mcain are bad choices :)

October 8, 2008 at 1:58 PM  

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